Reality Bomb Episode 083 – Variations on a Timeless Child

On the eighty-third edition of Reality Bomb, we’ve given over everything to a special episode exploring fan reaction to, and the impact of, the coming of the timeless child to Doctor Who through eight different variations

1) Doctor Who In 90 Seconds or Less – Kim Rogers runs us through all the changes to the Doctor over a 57 year period in one minute, thirty seconds.

2) This Ain’t Our First Rodeo – Jim Sangster explains the evolution of continuity in Doctor Who, and why it matters to fans so much.

3) Diagnosis: Fandom – There’s a medical mystery, and Series 12 is at the bottom of it. With Shannon Dohar, Andy Hicks and Drew Meyer

4) Sacrificing Drama – Ari Lipsey has an issue with The Timeless Children. It’s not what you think.

5) The Island of Misfit Continuity – Where do all the developments that happen to the Doctor on TV that no one talks about end up? Scot Clarke is on the case.

6) When Bad Retcons Happen to Good People – Petra Mayer talks about the worst day of being a fan… November 23, 2013.

7) Adoption Story – Joy Piedmont explores the timeless child and its connection to adoption.

8) Timeless Cracks – A poem by Sanjay Lago

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